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i'm simply your extra-ordinary,
Divine, star-seeded human and spiritual being
who just so happens to be
a Black Woman,
God(-ess) / self-governed, self-employed, and an Emissary of The Divine Feminine
working as a professional:
• Alternative Healer-
Holistic Metaphysical Life Coach,
spiritual counselor, psychic medium, teacher/student, metaphysician;

• Creative Professional-
music and visual artist, writer, speaker, producer, web designer, videographer;
• Evolutionary Revolutionary-
strategist, visionary, and spiritual activist, etc.
...I AM that I AM!

~ Supernal Love Creatrix
P O Box 22518 Nashville, TN 37202

615-9000-SLC / 615-900-0752

I Am You Are And Love IS...!
* ~
~ Love IS... Bliss! ~ ~ *

"my body is my temple. the world is my church. my god is withIN."
~ IAYAALIS Kali-Ma'at ELOAI / Supernal Love Creatrix ~


The MuthaQueen Cyphr

MuthaQueen Cyphr Music (logo)

Queen Mother
is a title reserved for a widowed queen consort
whose son or daughter from that union is the reigning monarch.
The term has been used in England since at least 1577.”


So - I’ve looked up the word… and I’m kind of wow’d by its meaning and a bit puzzled as to how I’ve managed to gain some personal relativity to it. Presently gaining a full understanding of the word, I cannot honestly say what power within the word “MuthaQueen” inspired me to use it to define my self - and my music publishing company -mind you(!) - But I did. What's done is done.

Now, I know I knew that the term had an English/Anglo-Saxon root, which is one of the reasons why I, an African-American woman, turned the phrase inside out - (or backwards -if you will), to offset some of the word’s Caucasian beginnings. I believe I did so in order to re-create it and make the term a little more applicable to self. But more than anything, I think I knew that several African women of ancient royalty were regarded as being Queen Mothers, and I desired to re-member my Ancestry by adopting the title. After all, I AM a Queen…!!!

But a Mother…?
Well -
not in the actual sense of giving birth to another human…!
But -
I’ve given birth to many thoughts and a plethora of works
(i.e.: music, art, businesses, movements, etc.)
So- in the aspect of my LifeWork in being a Creatrix-
yes(!) …I’m a Mother.

Now, the widow part- well- that’s a stretch…!
I’ve never officially been married (although I’d luv to be one day -God willing!) So I definitely cannot properly wear that hat.

However, if you philosophically take the plight of the Black Man and the Black Woman -in a way- one could almost say The Black Woman could generally be likened to a widow…
Rarely, are they with Us.
We feed and support our children - alone.
We might get a past-due child support payment -
but We are the ones to tuck in our sons and daughters to sleep at night… ALONE. So- generally speaking, mind you(!) …the Black Man Is Dead.

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Spiritually, I can also link my self to The Divine Principles of Auset and Kali. My studies of Ancient Kemet and my dealings with Ifa has led me to a particular affinity for Auset (Oshun). Africa weeps and moans like the grieving Magdalena over Lazarus not yet risen.

I mean, don’t we ALL await
the return of Ausar…!?
And then there’s Kali-Ma, the Hindu goddess who in ecstasy dances upon her consort’s corpse. Only the truly deep-end divers of thought are gonna even catch the connection…
(Widow = Auset = Magdalena = Kali-Ma)

But - I digress...!

The MuthaQueen Cyphr it is...!
A MuthaQueen I am.
I AM that I AM.

~i. / om.

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ashe! ashe!
for The Word i speak - ashe!
for the song i sing- for the dream i dream- for everything- ashe!
for the fathers- for the mothers-
for the sisters- for the brothers-
for the ancestors- for love-
for peace and prosperity...
ashe! ashe!
for The Word i speak - ashe!
for the song i sing- for the dream i dream- for everything- ashe!
~i. / om.

ASE / (ashe) - [pronounced = "ahh-SHAY"] - is a Yoruba word meaning command, power, and authority. Depending upon the context in which the word is being used, ASE is the ability to make whatever statement you make come to pass or happen. It can also mean the ability to compel nature (animate and inanimate objects) to bend to your will [magick = "What is a Magical Operation? It may be defined as any event in nature which is brought to pass by Will. any act designed to cause intentional change... Every intentional (Willed) act is a Magical act... Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action." - Crowley] This type of ASE or power can be either God-given (a power one is born with) or acquired. Aquired ASE can be further divided into categories. There is ASE that is: physically prepared, such as herbs and formulas; passed on psychically, via touch, swallowing of objects, a gaze, or other methods; developed through austerities, observances of fasts and penance; regular practice of a particular process or routine or potent ritual (religion), such as chanting a sacred name or like the regular worship of one's Orisha [a spirit which reflects one of the manifestations of Olodumare (God) in the Yoruba spiritual or religious system. Generally speaking ASE could be in the form of the spoken word, the nature of an object, the aura that an entity possesses, or anything peculiar to a certain character.