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i'm simply your extra-ordinary,
Divine, star-seeded human and spiritual being
who just so happens to be
a Black Woman,
God(-ess) / self-governed, self-employed, and an Emissary of The Divine Feminine
working as a professional:
• Alternative Healer-
Holistic Metaphysical Life Coach,
spiritual counselor, psychic medium, teacher/student, metaphysician;

• Creative Professional-
music and visual artist, writer, speaker, producer, web designer, videographer;
• Evolutionary Revolutionary-
strategist, visionary, and spiritual activist, etc.
...I AM that I AM!

~ Supernal Love Creatrix
P O Box 22518 Nashville, TN 37202

615-9000-SLC / 615-900-0752

I Am You Are And Love IS...!
* ~
~ Love IS... Bliss! ~ ~ *

"my body is my temple. the world is my church. my god is withIN."
~ IAYAALIS Kali-Ma'at ELOAI / Supernal Love Creatrix ~


Master Number Year = 2+0+0+9 = 11 (((click & cite)))

Universally, 2009 in terms of numerology promises us all the chance to learn grow as human beings. Numerology forecasts reduce numbers to a single digit, except when the master numbers 11 and 22 are involved. This year the year does indeed reduce to a master number. But, that master number starts out as the number 29 so let's take a closer look at the number 29, itself, first. This number is indeed a 'testing number'. By that it is mean that everything in life is a test, really. The main thing that we all have open to us in a free world... is choice.

We all choose how to
conduct ourselves & our lives.
Therefore, every opportunity that arises
is a chance for us to learn love and forgiveness.

As a prediction, the number 11 in the position of 2009 means that mankind will be forced to learn and grow about the true meaning of what it is to be human and part of a universal collective of people. A coming together of all nations and peoples is foreseen as we globally all unite and pull together for the good of all. Now, as this forced change that brings these events about are at present unforeseen - one can only ponder... Whatever does happen in 2009 the prognosis is good because we will learn from it how to truly live together in harmony... 2009 will see us all becoming more contemplative of our actions, making sure that our conduct is seen to be for the good...
People who have been quiet in the past
(from all walks of life & society)
will now feel the urge to speak
and they will have profound things to say.
Visionaries will become the new celebrities
and we will all welcome their messages of faith and hope for the future.

May your own 2009 be happy & very interesting!

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